As a SAHM, Heather shares her unique point of view on parenting, life and family.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Annual Not Christan At Christmas Post
Friday, November 20, 2015
Community-a word that evokes happy gatherings of people at parks or working together to clean up the town. When we moved, over a year ago, my husband quickly became a volunteer firefighter. We helped with fundraisers and such. It is great to be a member of a community. I have always lived in big cities and this has never been an option for me.
What I have learned is that some communities are more accepting than others to new blood. My hyper-local community accepted us with open arms, whereas, an attempt to get involved in a larger area made me feel like an outcast. Not to say everyone was closed off, but there is an obvious close-knit clique who aren’t as friendly. I am assuming you have to be born into it or give blood to join. That’s fine. I met some nice people and will stick with that.
It’s amazing to me that one would not want to embrace new people who are coming in: offering to lighten your load, wanting to help and being fresh and full of ideas and energy. Letting them take up the mantle for a bit would make life easier and make the work lighter for all.
That said, I will take it for what it has been: a learning experience. Any lesson in life is worth learning even if it is seeing what some people think the meaning of community really is!
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Biltmore (Mom's bucket list trip)
The day was over and it was time to head back to the hotel. Our feet hurt, but we both left with a smile. It was early to bed as we had a long drive back to reality but I have to tell you it was an adventure of a lifetime.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
NC Lupus Summit 2015
We had no idea what to expect. We were informed that mom had to show up before registration to film a one on one interview. After registration we were off to listen to an amazing keynote speaker. After that, her panel, lunch and a class in communication. A full day for sure.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Row Row Row Your Boat
Monday, September 28, 2015
I Will Learn
I have good days and bad days. On my good days I over do it… ALL THE TIME. It’s not like I don’t know I will pay for it. It is more like I know I need to get it done “while the sun shines.” On a good day I try to do too much because I know it will not last long. Then I need to spend a week recovering.
I don’t know who I am trying to impress. Except maybe to prove to myself that I can still do the things I need to do. Or maybe to make my husband proud? That can’t be right. I know he loves me, chronic pain or not. So who knows why I feel the need to over do it when I know I will pay for it later.
That said, I usually feel accomplished on those days. It is a self-reinforcing problem. I push push push, over do and then crash. I am working on setting limits and doing things in small doses. This is so I can accomplish stuff more often and not just on good days.
I know I am not alone; there are many who suffer from chronic pain have the same problems and deal with this never ending cycle. I just wonder sometimes if there is some key to beat it that I don’t understand. Just maybe I will learn, someday.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
It’s not a competition
Monday, September 14, 2015
Out of the Club
Yes, I love fall, but I will pass on the pumpkin spice latte.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Overscheduled and Out of Spoons
My “do a little,sit a little” style keeps me moving and get’s things done. But some days, I feel I am losing the battle. So more coffee and grab the broom. Where did I put that duster? Things are getting done here at Casa G today come hell or high water. Just one more cup of coffee.
Monday, August 31, 2015
It’s the most wonderful time of the year
Anyone who has known me for anytime at all knows I am a fan of fall. I love how the leaves change color; I love the cooler temps and the warm nights by the fire. Having a reason to wear my sweaters and my fuzzy jammie pants are all things that make me a happy gal.
Now with the cooler temps comes fall co-op and my son’s birthday. How can it be that he will be 14 this November 1st. It could not have been that long. Time is passing so fast. I want to freeze this moment in time and enjoy it. Starting “9th” grade is such an accomplishment. I love seeing the spark stir into a fire when he is working out a difficult math problem or when he gets into a book and chatters about it excitedly.
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Caleb on his rocking horse |
Teamwork is key here at Casa G. We have learned that when we pull together as a team we can accomplish just about anything. We have moved mounds of dirt for our fall garden, we have overcome great math obstacles, and even slayed the dragon of time by stealing some for family dinners and movie night.
So bring on the fall- busy schedules and all. We can deal with it and come out better and stronger. It’s just how we roll.
If you want to see the blog for the homeschool group blog click here.
Friday, August 14, 2015
What A Ride
It seems hard to believe we have been in our house over a year. As a homeschooling mom, I was glad to have moved during a down time in our “school year”; yet, before I knew it, I realized that Caleb and I had not had any activities outside of the house in a few months and I set out to find us some new friends with which to hang out.
Caleb is taking a webmaster course online and has become the webmaster for the Wake Forest Homeschoolers website. I can’t believe we are starting 9th grade. He has become such a bright and amazing kid. He will be in his first community theater play this fall. I know he is loath to admit it but I think he is enjoying the process.